What a success! Yesterday, Ask a Librarian assisted 331 users in one day. This is a 35% increase from our normal Tuesday average of 244 sessions. Yesterday was Ask a Librarian Day and librarians from across the state wore Ask a Librarian t-shirts and pins, created displays, baked some yummy treats and overall- spread the message! Ask a Librarian is: • Live help you’re not in our library, visit askalibrarian.org (or find the link on our library’s website). • You can use Ask a Librarian for free. • Ask a Librarian is a website where you can go to get your questions answered by a real librarian.
• Ask a Librarian is open until midnight ET Sunday through Thursday and until 5 p.m. ET Friday and Saturday. • If Ask a Librarian isn’t open for chat, you can always email your question to us, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. I am currently gathering stories, pictures and baked goods () from yesterday! If you have not already, please send them to me as soon as possible. I will post everything I receive! Remember, the k
ey to the success is the talking about the service to your co-workers and users. Please keep this up! The idea behind AAL Day is – WOMM. WOMM is Word of Mouth Marketing. We are going to continue trying to encourage you to use WOMM at your library especially through the month of March. Next week, we will be kicking off a month of WOMM related activities to help keep AAL in the forefront so get ready for awards, challenges and some fun facts about the service.