** Note: If you didn’t receive this in email format earlier today, please email Traci at avett@tblc.org
March Madness Month
A month of surprising facts, informative highlights, and fun activities… all for the chance to brag about our incredible services!

Shakespeare Asks a Librarian, too, during March Madness Month at Brevard County Library
Timeline of Ask a Librarian Hours
You probably already know that Ask a Librarian debuted in 2003, and that our service provisions and member libraries have increased significantly over the years. You may even know that the Academic Desk didn’t come along until 2007. But did you know that when Ask a Librarian first started out, the Collaborative Desk opened at noon? Or that, at one point, Ask a Librarian stayed open until 10 pm every single Friday? Here are a few snapshots-in-time for you to check out how Ask a Librarian has changed over time in finding the perfect hours for staying open to help your users. Take a look at our charts and see the timeline in which our hours of service eventually found the perfect home, and don’t forget to take our newest Customer Service Quiz below.
Happy Friday!
Think you have what it takes to get raving comments like these from Ask a Librarian users? Take the “Customer Service Quiz, Question 1” below for your chance to win an Ask a Librarian book pack. Don’t forget last week’s promotional photo contest for another chance to win!
Want a new Ask a Librarian bag?
Who wants to win one of our cool new Ask a Librarian book packs? Our nifty new drawstring bags are red with a blue Ask a Librarian logo. Promote us with style, and hold your book or sandwich at the same time.
Customer Service Quiz, Question 2:
While researching your user’s valid question, he or she has sent 2 or 3 statements that seem really off-topic or irrelevant. They’re not inappropriate, but you’re starting to wonder if they’re just wasting time. What do you do?
1. End the chat immediately… no use taking chances. If they have a real question, they will need to stick to the topic.
2. Feel it out a bit… continue researching, but just be alert for any changes in direction.
3. Send the “Your IP has been captured” script to the user. Lets them know that unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated, just in case that’s where they’re headed.
Tell us which option you’d choose and why. The best 3 responses will receive a cool new Ask a Librarian book pack! Email your response to Traci at avett@tblc.org by Thursday, March 17, 2011.
Last week’s winners will be announced soon!
When speaking to users, remember these important talking points:
• If you ever need help when you’re not in our library, visit www.askalibrarian.org (or find the link on our library’s website).
• Ask a Librarian is a website where you can go to get your questions answered by a real librarian.
• Ask a Librarian is open for live chat and texting until midnight ET Sunday through Thursday, and until 5 p.m. ET Friday and Saturday.
• You can use Ask a Librarian for free.
• If Ask a Librarian isn’t open for chat or texting, you can always email your question, and your library’s staff will get back to you within 24 hours.