May 2012 Stats

Usage Summary Mobile Chat Sessions179
Standard Chat Sessions2,840
Instant Invite Chat Sessions57
Widget Chat Sessions1138
Total Chat Sessions4,214
E-mail Sessions1,595
Text Sessions483
May 2012 total sessions6,290
Fiscal 2011-201258,912
Total use 2010-201275,712
Participating Libraries120

Top entry by chat

  1. Orange County Public Library Sytem
  2. Tampa Hillsborough Public Library System
  3. Florida State University
  4. St. Petersburg College
  5. Broward County Library
  6. Jacksonville Public Library
  7. University of South Florida Libraries
  8. Nova Southeastern University
  9. University of Florida
  10. Miami Dade Public Library System


  • Total Trained: 88
  • Number of Sessions: 5
  • Classes Offered:

Live Chat

Local Desks1,096
Total Chat4,214

Local Stats by Entry Point

  1. Chat by Entry Point
  2. Email by Entry Point
  3. Text by Entry Point


Ask a Librarian widgets embedded on a web page allow your patrons to chat, text, or email without leaving your website. The Ask a Librarian SmartButton indicates whether chat is being staffed. Choose from the pool of existing designs, or tell us your preferred characteristics and color scheme for a truly customizable user feature. An iframe tag places the AaL hosted widget anywhere on your page, although it’s also possible to use our documentation to place the code on your own hosted page without using an iframe.

This widget was created for SCFMS and is on their Primo page.

Instant Invite

Instant Invite is a proactive chat that can be set it up so when a patron arrives on a library page the chat will pop onto the screen. Or if they run a search in the catalog and receive no results, a pop up will ask them if they want to chat with a librarian. Everything about this can be customized. Find out more about Instant Invite. Contact us if you would like to set one up for your library.