This month, we are recognizing a library system that has played an outstanding part in the way Ask a Librarian operates. July’s AaL SuperStar recipient is Seminole County Public Library.
Seminole County joined AaL in October 2011 and has incorporated it into their everyday reference service. Librarians staffing reference desks in all branches throughout the county staff the Ask a Librarian desk as part of their desk assignment. At minimum, one person from each branch is staffing the library’s local chat desk.
Seminole County is committed to making themselves available to their users from a variety of access points – in-person, phone, email and live chat – all of the hours they are open. The Ask a Librarian team would like to thank Seminole County Public Library for integrating the virtual desk into your daily workflow and helping the service grow in new directions.
Please help me congratulate this month’s SuperStar winner, Seminole County Public Library System.

Central Branch:
Front row: Aneseh Haeiahwazi; Sara White; Roberta Hendry; Caroline Quintanilla
Back row: Therese Nearhoof; David Witter; Stacy Reyer

Northwest Branch:
Adriana Valencia; Louise Blackwelder; Silence Bourn; Sara Gonzalez; Lisa Laird-Smith