Have you tried FLA’s automated contact tool yet?  It allows you to voice your support of Florida’s libraries with just a few clicks.  Just enter your contact information and choose from email or print delivery. You can use the fully-crafted default message as-is, or you can modify it to add your own positive messages for a more personal perspective.


I chose to modify my message a bit, and it still only took me maybe 2-3 minutes total for the whole process. When you click “Send Message”, your message is automatically distributed to the following people:

Rick Scott (R-FL), Governor

Jennifer Carroll (R-FL), Lt. Governor

Your State Upper Chamber Representatives

Your State Lower Chamber Representatives

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, Secretary

Denise Grimsley, Representative, Committee Chair

Mike Haridopolis, Senate President, Senate President

Mike Horner, Representative, Committee Chair

Don Gaetz, Senator, Committee Chair

Dean Cannon, Speaker, Speaker of the House

Have a great day,
