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In late January, Ask a Librarian began a marketing campaign online through Google Ads. The media plan focused on two main goals: creating awareness of the Ask A Librarian Website and increasing usage of the Ask A Librarian service.  LURE  & Th!ink Creative Inc. developed a media plan to run for thirty days in two test  markets, Orlando and Jacksonville. Th!nk Creative chose select media that would reach a broad audience at a cost effective price. Since we know people consume media differently due to having busy lifestyles and budget constraints, our campaign was marketed online because the Internet is a major source for researching information.

Overall Results from the Online Marketing Campaign

The Online marketing campaign generated 5,650 unique clicks (users went directly to the website) over a thirty day period. The total impressions (number of times our ad appeared) from the ads exceeded 2,229,000. In just 30 days our ads created exposure to over 2 million people! The Click Through Rate (CTR) which is the number of unique clicks divided by the impressions our ad generated was 25%. This created direct exposure to new users through Google Ads. “Definition” was the top performing keyword throughout the entire campaign followed by “the dictionary” and “words dictionary”.

Our web programmer, Doug Furiato, has provided us with a break-down of how people are coming to through search engines by analyzing our Google Analytics report. Prior to this campaign, about 6% of our visitors found Ask a Librarian through a search engine, but since the campaign started, that number has increased to around 12% of our total visitors. That doubled the number of visitors finding our site!

We had an extensive list of ads that ran for thirty days. The list contained over 2400 keywords that were divided into subject ad groups.

Once the user ran a search that matched one of our keywords from the ad group, a series of seven different Google Ads populated. Th!nk Creative developed the following ads to attract a diverse age range of people.

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The Goal Conversion Rate (GCR) has shown our best results. GCR is the percentage of visitors who make it to the chat or email login page from the search they conducted. For the month of February 35% of our visitors who found AaL via a search engine made it to a chat or email login page. Here is a breakdown of visits from the beginning of our campaign to the end of our campaign, with a continual rise in visits. Weekdays are the highest and Saturdays are the lowest.

View the complete report