by Kelly Doty | Nov 3, 2011 | News, Scheduling
Your help is still needed with the following Ask a Librarian shifts: Mon., Nov. 7, 1-2 and 2-3 pm ET (collaborative) Sat., Nov. 12, 11a-12p (collaborative) Mon., Nov. 14, 2-3 pm (collaborative) Wed., Nov. 16, 3-4 pm (collaborative) Fri., Nov. 18, 12-1 pm... by Kelly Doty | Oct 27, 2011 | FEL, News
Please consider participating in this valuable LSTA survey from the State Library, as described below. If you have questions about the LSTA evaluation, please contact Sondra Taylor-Furbee at If you have questions about the survey,... by Kelly Doty | Sep 9, 2011 | Customer Service, Instant Invite
We would like to congratulate Rhonda Kitchens who was awarded with the 2011 Learning Resources Commission Exemplary Practice Award for Library Services. Rhonda is a librarian at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota and Site-Coordinator for the Ask a Librarian... by Kelly Doty | Sep 7, 2011 | News, Scheduling
As of 1 pm ET on Wed., Sept. 7, the following Ask a Librarian shifts currently need help: Mon., Sept. 12, 12-1 pm (collaborative) Tues., Sept. 13, 6-7 pm (collaborative) Fri., Sept. 16, 12-1 pm (collaborative) Sat., Sept. 17, 11a-12p and 12-1pm (collaborative) Mon.,... by Kelly Doty | Sep 2, 2011 | Chat Transcripts, Exemplary Reference Awards, Quality Assurance Workgroup
We had several members rotate off the Quality Assurance (QA) Workgroup this past month and we actively sought new volunteers to fill the positions. Our Co-Chairs of the QA Workgroup, Pat Barbier (St. Petersburg College) and Joyce Ward (Palm Beach County Library...