by Kelly Doty | Apr 15, 2011 | News, Training
Attention, staff: Have you attended training, but just haven’t had much opportunity to practice or staff the desk? Are you trying to staff… but still feel a little like a fish out of water? Would you like someone to help you apply your knowledge and skills to the... by Kelly Doty | Apr 13, 2011 | News
Have you tried FLA’s automated contact tool yet? It allows you to voice your support of Florida’s libraries with just a few clicks. Just enter your contact information and choose from email or print delivery. You can use the fully-crafted default message... by Kelly Doty | Apr 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
Space is still available in the following Ask a Librarian workshops. Please follow the corresponding link to reserve your spot in the webinar(s): 1.5-Hour Refresher: Ask a Librarian – 04/19/2011 10-11:30 am ET (webinar) Hot Topics: E-Books and E-Readers... by Kelly Doty | Mar 30, 2011 | March Madness Month, Marketing, News, WOMM
** Note: If you didn’t receive this in its more attractive email format earlier today, please email Traci at . March Madness Month A month of surprising facts, informative highlights, and fun activities… all for the chance to brag about our... by Kelly Doty | Mar 28, 2011 | Customer Service, March Madness Month, Marketing, News, WOMM
** Note: If you didn’t receive this in its more attractive email format earlier today, please email Traci at . March Madness Month A month of surprising facts, informative highlights, and fun activities… all for the chance to brag about our incredible...