by Kelly Doty | Dec 13, 2010 | FEL, Training
The Florida Electronic Library—your gateway to superior electronic resources that offer access to comprehensive, accurate, and reliable information—offers a training program designed to meet the needs of all library staff. With its blended curriculum, you can take... by Kelly Doty | Dec 10, 2010 | Marketing, Mobile, Texting
Ask a Librarian now has customizable logos available for participating libraries to promote our new texting service. Please contact to have your library’s phone number and keyword added to the image! by Kelly Doty | Dec 9, 2010 | Customer Service, FEL Sponsored by the Museum of Florida History, the Florida History Fair (FHF) is an annual, statewide activity that enhances the teaching and learning of history at elementary and secondary levels. Debate and Diplomacy... by Kelly Doty | Dec 8, 2010 | Customer Service, Marketing, Mobile, News, Texting
Text Messaging was introduced by Ask a Librarian on October 25th with little fanfare for the users. While all of us, were training, creating scripts and otherwise preparing – we expected initial growth to be slow and did little promotion for this new service... by Kelly Doty | Dec 7, 2010 | Exemplary Reference Awards
The Quality Assurance Workgroup has been hard at work and has awarded the following transcripts for June Exemplary Reference Awards. Transcripts were awarded in three categories: Best Detailed Chat, Best Brief Chat, and Best Teaching Chat. The three winning...