by Kelly Doty | Oct 24, 2010 | Training
Workshop Date Time Texting Webinar 10/26/2010 3:00 – 4:00 ET Texting Webinar 10/29/2010 2:00 – 3:00 ET Full-Day Training – Broward College Library 11/09/2010 9:30 – 3:30 ET Full-Day Training – Tallahassee Community College 11/12/2010... by Kelly Doty | Oct 22, 2010 | Texting
Text Messaging goes LIVE on Monday, October 25th Ask a Librarian will be launching a texting service to accompany our traditional chat service. This means users can text us from their device at the moment they need assistance from wherever they are (though hopefully... by Kelly Doty | Oct 13, 2010 | Training
Washington State kindly offered us access to their monthly series “Ref22” on virtual Reference. There session Mastering the Reference Interview is now available on-demand Information about the series is at:... by Kelly Doty | Oct 6, 2010 | Customer Service, Local Patrons, Marketing
Hi blogmasters: If you have a blog for your library, copy the below user-oriented text and paste it as an entry into your own library’s blog. Go ahead – steal it. We want you to. You may wish to edit the text or add specific resources to spotlight or customize your... by Kelly Doty | Oct 5, 2010 | FEL, Training
The Florida Electronic Library—your gateway to superior electronic resources that offers access to comprehensive, accurate, and reliable information—offers a training program designed to meet the needs of all library staff. With its blended curriculum, you can take...