E-Gov & Ask a Librarian Webinar

Ask a Librarian will be launching a E-Gov Specialized Entry Point in March.  The new entry point will be linked to from http://www.gethelpflorida.org, a Florida Resource Based E-Gov Portal.    Questions from this portal page will route into the main collaborative...

New User Interface Debuts

Ask a Librarian rolled out an enhanced user interface today. The new interface presents a modern, sleek chat window to users within the existing page. With this enhancement, the user no longer has a new window launched.  Creating a more user friendly session for the...

UCF Unveils Local Texting Promotion

UCF has unveiled two graphics to promote text messaging through Ask a Librarian at their school.  The talented Cindy Dancel created the two graphics seen below. Are you planning a promotion for texting this Spring? If so, let us know!

December Statistics

December was our busiest December on record.  Even in a short month where people are often more focused on the holidays that reference assistance. Ask a Librarian had: 2,825 Live Chat Sessions 1,271 Email Questions 314 Text Questions A summary of the month report for...