When Teens Attack – Available on-demand

The archive of the session “When Teens Attack!: Tips for dealing with 12 year olds and other difficult customers on chat reference” is available now at http://www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/Ref22-2010-09-14 Keep an eye on the Ref22 site for more info about future sessions:...

When Teens Attack – Free Webinar!

I am really excited to announce that Washington State has invited our librarians to attend an incredible webinar series they are hosting called Ref22. On September 14th from 2-3 PT (that is 5-6pm ET), they are presenting “When Teens Attack!: Tips for dealing with 12...

August Statistics

Wow! You can definitely tell August is back to school month.   While the first half of August was fairly quiet (1,601 chats from August 1-15), we definitely saw users return with the school bell.   The second half of the month Ask a Librarian had 2,134 live chat...

Older AAL Statistics

From time to time, libraries are in need of older statistics.   We have created a statistical archive online for you to access past years.   The current year is available on this blog. http://askalibrarianfl.pbworks.com/Statistic-Archive

July Statistics

July was another busy month for Ask a Librarian.  We assisted 3,853 users via live chat and and additional 1,012 by email – an overall increase of 35% from last July! A summary of July is available in pdf – July Summary Detailed Reports by Library and...