March Statistics now available online

What an amazing month! Ask a Librarian had 7,096 reference transactions last month — including 5,887 chat sessions.    We once again experienced- It’s BEST month EVER!  We had a 45% increase in chats from last year and our well on track for a record...

Ask a Librarian Day Recap

Ask a Librarian Day was a huge success! And as you know, is launching our WOMM campaign. Want to see the highlights – check out If you have not sent me your picture or event information, please send them to me as soon as...

Lake County/Clermont and online workshops

Space is still available in the following Ask a Librarian workshops: Full-Day Ask a Librarian Training (Introductory/Repeat attendees welcome) Lake County – Cooper Memorial Library in Clermont, FL   —   Wed., Mar. 10, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm 2.5-Hour Ask a...