July Statistics

July was another busy month for Ask a Librarian.  We assisted 3,853 users via live chat and and additional 1,012 by email – an overall increase of 35% from last July! A summary of July is available in pdf – July Summary Detailed Reports by Library and...

June Statistics

Another great month!!! Ask a Librarian assisted 3,864 users via live chat and 1,207 via email.    This is a 32% increase live chat sessions  from last June.  So far this year, we’ve had 52,071 sessions. A summary report is available here: Summary Report Detailed...

May Statistics

May statistics for Ask a Librarian.    Compared with last May, Ask a Librarian saw a 54% increase in live chat sessions with 4,288 sessions!!! A summary is available here: Summary Report May 2010 Reports by Library and County: Total Chat By Entry Point – May...

April Ask a Librarian Statistics

Ask a Librarian had another great month.   We had a 40% increase in live chat sessions from last April and overall we have assisted 32% more users this year than last year at the same point. A summary report is available in our Ask a Librarian Summary Report Reports...

March Statistics now available online

What an amazing month! Ask a Librarian had 7,096 reference transactions last month — including 5,887 chat sessions.    We once again experienced- It’s BEST month EVER!  We had a 45% increase in chats from last year and our well on track for a record...

February Statistics

Wow!! Were we busy in February. Ask a Librarian assisted 5,359 users last month via live chat sessions. This is a 51% increase from February of last year and a 21% increase over last month. Ask a Librarian is really taking off and it could not happen without each of...