Text Messaging Update

Text Messaging was introduced by Ask a Librarian on October 25th with little fanfare for the users. While all of us, were training, creating scripts and otherwise preparing – we expected initial growth to be slow and did little promotion for this new service...

November Statistics

Once again, Ask a Librarian experienced a record month! 5,255 Live Chat Sessions (an 6% increase from last November) 1,352 Email Sessions (a 25% increase from last November) 566 text messages (our first complete month of texting!) Summary report for the state: AAL...

Additional August Statistics

Home About Reasons to Join Become a member Participating Libraries Privacy Quality Assurance Workgroup Connect With Us Order Promotional Materials Linking to Ask a Librarian Logos Widgets News Better late than never! Here are the additional statistics promised last...

New Pictures on AAL Custom Portals

Askalibrarian.org has updated it’s look!  The slide shows running on each library’s custom portal page has new images.    As an enhancement, we now 3 slide shows- academic, general and K12!