When Teens Attack – Available on-demand

The archive of the session “When Teens Attack!: Tips for dealing with 12 year olds and other difficult customers on chat reference” is available now at http://www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/Ref22-2010-09-14 Keep an eye on the Ref22 site for more info about future sessions:...

Upcoming Workshops – Ask a Librarian

Space is still available in the following Ask a Librarian workshops: Ask a Librarian Training @ Pasco County Library System – Hudson Branch – Wed., Sept. 15, 10:30a – 4:30p ET Ask a Librarian Online E-mail Workshop – Wed., Sept. 22, 2:00...

When Teens Attack – Free Webinar!

I am really excited to announce that Washington State has invited our librarians to attend an incredible webinar series they are hosting called Ref22. On September 14th from 2-3 PT (that is 5-6pm ET), they are presenting “When Teens Attack!: Tips for dealing with 12...

Hot Topics Presentations Available

Presentations for yesterday’s hot topics are now available! The not-so secret tools, tips and tricks of the Ask a Librarian interns. How to provide assistance to statewide customers with grace and ease. One of the most difficult tasks on Ask a Librarian is...