January 2016 Statistics

Ask a Librarian January 2016 Statistics
January 2016 Top 10 Entry Points

January 2016 Top 10 Entry Points

Chats by widget January 2016
January 2016 Daily Statistics
January 2016 Hourly Statistics

Chats with mobile devices were 12.59% of total chats

chart-os-Jan-2016January 2016 Operating Systems Statistics
January 2016 Browser Statistics

Introducing the Superhuman Search Engine

Introducing the Superhuman Search Engine

Book report? Master’s thesis? Business venture? Visit the all new Ask a Librarian, Florida’s Virtual Reference Service, for answers to question you didn’t even know to ask. Check out our upgraded features including smartphone access and a streamlined log-in process. Connect via text messaging or live chat, 7 days a week, or email us anytime day or night. Free superhuman search skills at your service.

Introducing the Superhuman Search Engine

Introducing the Superhuman Search Engine