March 2015 Statistics

Usage Summary

Mobile APP Chat Sessions4
Facebook Chat Sessions0 Mobile Chat Sessions233
Standard Chat Sessions1,879
Instant Invite Chat Sessions167
Widget Chat Sessions1,443
Gale -Widget Chat Sessions207
Total Chat Sessions3,933
E-mail Sessions2,066
Text Sessions485
March 2015 total sessions6,484
Fiscal 2014-201538,033
Total use 2013 -201483,287
Participating Libraries131

Top entry by chat

  1. FSU
  2. SPC
  3. USF
  4. NOVA
  5. Jacksonville Public Library
  6. Orange County Public Library
  7. State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota
  8. Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
  9. University of Florida
  10. University of Central Florida


Training on Oracle software as concluded as we are in the process of migrating all users to the new SpringShare software.

Register for Regular AAL Training in Springshare.

Register for Site Coordinator training in Springshare.

Live Chat

Local Desks:1,320
Total Chat:3,933

Local Stats by Entry Point

Provides a breakdown for each member libraries individual chat, email and text message statistics.
Chat, Email, and Text

March Stats Comparison

[visualizer id=”7236″]

Yearly Totals

[visualizer id=”7238″]

Springshare Migration Information

​You will receive your Springshare account information for AAL the week of March 30th. ​

​On Thursday April 30th at 8:00pm we will close down the AAL service.

On Friday May 1st, at 10:00am we will be live with Springshare. ​

Live Webinar Training

Available online. Register here.

On-Demand Training

View the recording of the introductory training on the Toolbox Website. (Password Protected)

View the recording of the site coordinator training in the Toolbox Website. (password protected)

Open hours for practice on Springshare Platform

New Lingo for Springshare

Ticket – Email or SMS

Queue – Old Desk

Group – FAQs

Department – Chat queue

Operators – Librarian Statewide desk / Queue

February 2015 Statistics

Usage Summary

Mobile APP Chat Sessions 4
Facebook Chat Sessions 0 Mobile Chat Sessions 234
Standard Chat Sessions 1,906
Instant Invite Chat Sessions 229
Widget Chat Sessions 1,397
Gale -Widget Chat Sessions270
Total Chat Sessions4,040
E-mail Sessions2,147
Text Sessions447
February 2015 total sessions6,518
Fiscal 2014-201531,549
Total use 2013 -201483,287
Participating Libraries131

Top entry by chat

  1. FSU Libraries
  2. St. Petersburg College
  3. USF Libraries
  4. NOVA Southeastern
  5. State College of Manatee-Sarasota
  6. Orange County Library
  7. Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
  8. UCF Libraries
  9. UF Library
  10. Jacksonville Public Library


Training on Oracle software as concluded as we are in the process of migrating all users to the new SpringShare software.

Register for Regular AAL Training in Springshare.

Register for Site Coordinator training in Springshare.

Live Chat

Local Desks: 1,406
Academic: 487
Collaborative: 2,147
Total Chat: 4,040

Local Stats by Entry Point

Provides a breakdown for each member libraries individual chat, email and text message statistics.
Chat, Email, and Text

February Stats Comparison

[visualizer id=”7236″]

Yearly Totals

[visualizer id=”7238″]

January 2015 Statistics

Usage Summary

Mobile APP Chat Sessions 6
Facebook Chat Sessions 1 Mobile Chat Sessions 32
Standard Chat Sessions1,774
Instant Invite Chat Sessions 130
Widget Chat Sessions1,294
Gale -Widget Chat Sessions242
Total Chat Sessions 3,479
E-mail Sessions2,200
Text Sessions514
January 2015 total sessions6,193
Fiscal 2014-201525,029
Total use 2013 -201483,287
Participating Libraries131

Top entry by chat

  1. FSU Libraries
  2. USF Libraries
  3. NOVA Southeastern
  4. St Petersburg College
  5. Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
  6. Orange County Library System
  7. Jacksonville Public Library
  8. UCF Libraries
  9. UF Libraries
  10. Broward County Library


Training on Oracle software as concluded as we are in the process of migrating all users to the new SpringShare software. Training will begin in March of 2015 for site coordinators and users.

Live Chat

Local Desks: 1,246
Academic: 348
Collaborative: 1,885
Total Chat: 3,479

Local Stats by Entry Point

Provides a breakdown for each member libraries individual chat, email and text message statistics.
Chat, Email, and Text

Yearly Comparison

Yearly Comparison

January 2014 – January 2015

Timeline for Springshare Migration

Below you will find a timeline of events for migration to Springshare, the new AAL Software. If you have any questions, please let me know.

February 2015
5 pilot libraries will begin testing the new Springshare software
AAL Staff will set up widgets, users, and knowledge base entries

March 2015
1st – 15th Site Coordinators will receive training
16th – 31st All AAL staff will receive training
practice time will be open weekly during a set schedule

April 2015
AAL Service with Springshare will go LIVE
1st – 30th general training and practice time
Statistics training

May 2015
Migration Complete
On-going training

June 2015
Widgets Training
Public Knowledge Base implementation

Please watch this short video watch describes some of the changes to the software.

We hope you are just as excited as we are!

December 2014 Statistics

Usage Summary

Mobile APP Chat Sessions2
Facebook Chat Sessions0 Mobile Chat Sessions228
Standard Chat Sessions1478
Instant Invite Chat Sessions71
Widget Chat Sessions 761
Gale -Widget Chat Sessions183
Total Chat Sessions 2723
E-mail Sessions1635
Text Sessions367
December 2014 total sessions4725
Fiscal 2014-201518,836
Total use 2013 -201483,287
Participating Libraries131

Top entry by chat

  1. FSU Libraries
  2. Jacksonville Public Library
  3. Orange County Library System
  4. Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
  5. USF Libraries
  6. UF Libraries
  7. Pasco Hernando State College
  8. NOVA SouthEastern
  9. Broward County Library
  10. GCSC Libraries


  • Video On-Demand Views: 100

Live Chat

Local Desks: 711
Academic: 155
Collaborative: 1857
Total Chat: 2723

Local Stats by Entry Point

Provides a breakdown for each member libraries individual chat, email and text message statistics.
Chat, Email, and Text

Yearly Comparison

Yearly Comparison

December 2013 vs December 2014

November 2014 Statistics

Usage Summary

Mobile APP Chat Sessions2
Facebook Chat Sessions 0 Mobile Chat Sessions 320
Standard Chat Sessions 1,916
Instant Invite Chat Sessions186
Widget Chat Sessions1,287
Gale -Widget Chat Sessions317
Total Chat Sessions4,028
E-mail Sessions1,843
Text Sessions480
November 2014 total sessions6,351
Fiscal 2014-201514,111
Total use 2013 -201483,287
Participating Libraries131

Top entry by chat

  1. FSU Libraries
  2. SPC Libraries
  3. USF Libraries
  4. NOVA Southeastern University
  5. Tampa Hillsborough County Public Library System
  6. Orange County Library System
  7. UF Libraries
  8. Jacksonville Public Library
  9. SCF Libraries
  10. GCSC Libraries


  • Video On-Demand Views:245
  • Self Paced Registrants: 14

Self-Paced Training Program

Learn everything you need to know in order to staff Ask a Librarian. Register Here. Once registered, you will receive instructions on how to begin your training within 24 business hours.

Live Chat

Local Desks: 1,235
Academic: 493
Collaborative: 2,300
Total Chat: 4,028

Local Stats by Entry Point

Provides a breakdown for each member libraries individual chat, email and text message statistics.
Chat, Email, and Text

Yearly Comparison

Yearly Comparison

November 2013 vs November 2014

November 2014 Superstar

alicia3Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. November’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Alicia Ellison from Hillsborough Community College Library.

Alicia is the Librarian at the Ybor Campus in Tampa. She has been awarded an Exemplary Reference Award for a Detailed Chat three times, February 2007, December 2009, and February 2011.

Alicia staffs both the academic and collaborative desk. She is also a member of the AAL Statewide Spanish Email team, answering emails weekly. She offers help on the desk by volunteering for upcoming shifts and in logging when the desk is short staffed.

Alicia is a valuable member of the Ask A Librarian program. Please help me congratulate this month’s SuperStar winner, Alicia Ellison from Hillsborough Community College Library.