Today is Ask a Librarian Day!
Ask a Librarian Day
Third Annual
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today is Ask a Librarian Day!
Today marks the third annual Ask a Librarian Day, a statewide effort to increase awareness of Ask a Librarian to other library staff as well as library users.
What are you doing to get the word out?
Blog it! Broadcast it! Script it!
Tell us how you and your AaL Ambassadors are meeting the statewide challenge!
Send us your photos and plans, your posters and streamers and table tents, reference displays, baked goods, lanyard raffles, QR codes, scavenger hunts, bookmark check-outs, patron blog posts. Check out Kira’s video, Mike’s screen display, Lynn’s blog post, and Ann & Friends ‘s posters that reach out and grab patrons’ attention. Are you feeling inspired yet? Don’t forget to take pictures. And hop on the desks today just to say hello and show your spirit to your peers statewide…
These are the important talking points to share with all of your users today:
· If you ever need help when you’re not in our library, visit (or find the link on our library’s website).
· Ask a Librarian is a website where you can go to get your questions answered by a real librarian.
· Ask a Librarian is open for live chat and texting until midnight ET Sunday through Thursday, and until 5 p.m. ET Friday and Saturday.
· You can use Ask a Librarian for free.
· If Ask a Librarian isn’t open for chat or texting, you can always email your question, and your library’s staff will get back to you within 24 hours.
Happy Ask a Librarian Day!
Chat, Text, Email Statistics – January 2011
The following statistics are now available for the month of January 2011:
Chat by Entry Point
Email by Entry Point
Text by Entry Point
AaL Summary Report
(Added on Feb. 10th)
Report by County
(Added on Feb. 11th)
Have a great weekend!
User Survey Now Live
The AAL User Satisfaction survey is now live for customers. Please push this to users at the end of a session. The software will also attempt to push the survey- but it only appears to those without pop-up blockers.
To push the survey – use the script in the response library followed by the URL in the response library.
The survey asks:
1- Was this your first time using Ask a Librarian?
2- Did you connect with a Librarian today?
3- Was your question answered today?
4- Did the librarian show you any Web-based library resources today (library catalog, databases, etc.)?
5- Do you think you would be able to use those same resources on your own, later on?
6- Do you think you will be more comfortable doing online research in the future?
7- Would you use the Ask a Librarian service again?
8- How did you hear about Ask a Librarian?
9- We welcome your comments or suggestions. Please let us know how we are doing, and how we can improve!
Please let us know if you have any questions.
December Statistics
December was our busiest December on record. Even in a short month where people are often more focused on the holidays that reference assistance.
Ask a Librarian had:
- 2,825 Live Chat Sessions
- 1,271 Email Questions
- 314 Text Questions
A summary of the month report for the state:
December Summary Report
Detailed Reports per library:
Total Chat By Entry Point Dec10 (Updated 1.5.2011)
Total Email By Entry Point Dec10
Total Text By Entry Point Dec 10
Reports by Region
Users by County (User Reported Zipcode) Dec 10
AAL Texting by Number Dec10
Text Messaging Update
Text Messaging was introduced by Ask a Librarian on October 25th with little fanfare for the users. While all of us, were training, creating scripts and otherwise preparing – we expected initial growth to be slow and did little promotion for this new service point, with the idea that the new year would hold new wisdom we’d gleaned from our first few months being live.
However- users are finding us!!!! We are so excited with our first month of service’s usage numbers. In November, we answered 566 text messages! Not bad for a new service. As one of the first statewide services offering collaborative Texting, you are really part of a historic step for libraries!
Best Practices Update
Last Friday, the SMS taskforce got together to discuss the first month. We realize there are a few bumps – but we are looking at how they can be fixed. One of the biggest issues seems to be “threading” – a user replying to a librarian and the answer being picked up by another librarian. When answering a user with a question or answer that would likely generate a response from the user, here are a few tips to help you:
- Mark the reply “Follow-Up”, which is the check box just to the right of the Send button. Follow-up questions and answers are located in a shared tab so others can see your history. Follow-up includes not only what users texted but how librarians responded.
- Be On the Lookout! Many texters who return do so fairly soon, so watch the queue for your user returning by their phone number and/or library designation.
- Be vocal when leaving the desk. If you have expectations or knowledge that may help others help a returning user, definitely share that. Letting others know the situation in the agent chat room may prevent confusion on a returning text and prevent other staff from reinventing the wheel. Speaking up helps everyone, including the user.
More information on best practice patterns is emerging every day; in the meantime, these should definitely help us to acclimate to and excel in this exciting new world of text reference. The taskforce will be doing some in-depth analysis of texts and hopes to have additional best practices recommendations as we analyze the past month.
Do you have another tip or trick you have found useful? Please let us know!!
Promotion: Where are all these users coming from?
Ask a Librarian has added your local texting phone number to your customer portal page, widgets and mobile pages.
Libraries are also promoting texting to their users. Here are some examples, we have seen:
Another Effective Promotional Tool is a QR Code. Here are two examples codes. These codes are easily generated and can be used on everything from bookmarks to handouts to business cards.
There are several free QR code generators – I personally use
What are you planning at your library in 2011 to promote Ask a Librarian and Ask a Librarian Texting?
November Statistics
Once again, Ask a Librarian experienced a record month!
- 5,255 Live Chat Sessions (an 6% increase from last November)
- 1,352 Email Sessions (a 25% increase from last November)
- 566 text messages (our first complete month of texting!)
Summary report for the state:
AAL Stat Report (Nov 10) (updated)
Detailed reports per library are below:
Chat by Entry Point Nov10 (updated)
Email by Library Nov10
Texting by Library Nov10
Reports by Region
Texting by Incoming Phone Nov10
Usage By County (User Reported ZipCode) November10
For additional statistical information, feel free to contact me!
Join us online for Hot Topics: Ask a Librarian Statistics on December 1st.
Join us online for Hot Topics: Ask a Librarian Statistics on December 1st.
Find out about the reports and statistics available via the Ask a Librarian service for your library including local use, demographic information and more! The webinar will also explore statewide and national trends in virtual reference.
Register at:
October Statistics
Wow! What a month. Ask a Librarian had 7,050 sessions in October. 5591 live chat sessions, 1310 email sessions and 149 text sessions! – Yes, 149 text messages in one week!
I will have a second post next week with some analysis of our use. Here are the summary reports for libraries:
October Chat by Entry Point
Email by Entry Point
Chat by County (User Reported ZipCode)