by Kelly Doty | Apr 9, 2014 | News, SuperStar
Home About Reasons to Join Become a member Participating Libraries Privacy Quality Assurance Workgroup Connect With Us Order Promotional Materials Linking to Ask a Librarian Logos Widgets News Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has... by Kelly Doty | Apr 2, 2014 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 8 Mobile Chat Sessions 242 Standard Chat Sessions 2,318 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 242 Widget Chat Sessions 1,832 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 384 Total Chat Sessions 5,026 E-mail Sessions 2,348 Text Sessions... by Kelly Doty | Mar 7, 2014 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. March’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Hadi Sheikhnia from Keiser University. Hadi Sheikhnia is the librarian for Kesier University in West Palm... by Kelly Doty | Mar 4, 2014 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 3 Mobile Chat Sessions 175 Standard Chat Sessions 2,273 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 141 Widget Chat Sessions 1,929 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 371 Total Chat Sessions 4,892 E-mail Sessions 2,275 Text Sessions... by Kelly Doty | Feb 5, 2014 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. February’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Mary Beth Isaacson from Heartland Library Cooperative. Mary Beth Isaacson is the Avon Park librarian for the... by Kelly Doty | Feb 3, 2014 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 3 Mobile Chat Sessions 271 Standard Chat Sessions 1,935 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 83 Widget Chat Sessions 1,528 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 258 Total Chat Sessions 4,078 E-mail Sessions 2,589 Text Sessions... by smithm | Feb 3, 2014 | News, Statistics
The 2012-2013 AAL year was very production with over 75,000 transactions. Our participating libraries provided 13,580 active hours of library service for users around the state. Download the Ask A Librarian Fact Sheet 2012-2013 by Kelly Doty | Jan 7, 2014 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. January’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Elena Soltau from NOVA Southeastern University. Elena is the assistant director of reference at the Alvin... by Kelly Doty | Jan 6, 2014 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 7 Mobile Chat Sessions 182 Standard Chat Sessions 1,393 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 41 Widget Chat Sessions 1,038 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 291 Total Chat Sessions 2,952 E-mail Sessions 1,881 Text Sessions... by Kelly Doty | Dec 9, 2013 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. December’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Jill Simser from Eastern Florida State College (EFSC). Jill Simser is a librarian and site coordinator for...