by Kelly Doty | Dec 2, 2013 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 16 Mobile Chat Sessions 312 Standard Chat Sessions 2,440 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 112 Widget Chat Sessions 1,766 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 334 Total Chat Sessions 4,980 E-mail Sessions 2,146 Text... by smithm | Nov 22, 2013 | Chat Transcripts, Exemplary Reference Awards, News, Quality Assurance Workgroup
The Quality Assurance Workgroup is happy to award the following transcripts for the August 2013 Exemplary Reference Awards. Transcripts were awarded in three categories: Best Brief Chat, Best Detailed Chat, and Best Teaching Chat. Brief Exemplary Reference Award:... by smithm | Nov 22, 2013 | Chat Transcripts, Exemplary Reference Awards, News, Quality Assurance Workgroup
The Quality Assurance Workgroup is happy to award the following transcripts for the August 2013 Exemplary Reference Awards. Transcripts were awarded in three categories: Best Brief Chat, Best Detailed Chat, and Best Teaching Chat. Brief Exemplary Reference Award:... by Kelly Doty | Nov 18, 2013 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. November’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Juli Davis from St Johns County. Juli Davis is the Digital Librarian at the St. Johns County Public Library... by Kelly Doty | Nov 1, 2013 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 35 Mobile Chat Sessions 316 Standard Chat Sessions 2,962 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 122 Widget Chat Sessions 2,761 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 494 Total Chat Sessions 6,690 E-mail Sessions 2,694 Text... by Kelly Doty | Oct 1, 2013 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 7 Mobile Chat Sessions 295 Standard Chat Sessions 2,452 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 128 Widget Chat Sessions 2,243 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 353 Total Chat Sessions 5,478 E-mail Sessions 2,553 Text Sessions... by Kelly Doty | Oct 1, 2013 | News, SuperStar
This month, we recognize a library system that has played an outstanding part in implementing Ask a Librarian. October’s AaL SuperStar recipient is Pasco County Library System. Pasco County Library System is dedicated to the collaborative Ask a Librarian desk and... by Kelly Doty | Sep 9, 2013 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. September’s AAL SuperStar recipient is Leila Gibradze, Associate Director of Goldstein Library at Florida State University. Leila’s support... by Kelly Doty | Sep 5, 2013 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 13 Mobile Chat Sessions 316 Standard Chat Sessions 1,831 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 50 Widget Chat Sessions 1,335 Gale -Widget Chat Sessions 167 Total Chat Sessions 3,712 E-mail Sessions 2,283 Text Sessions... by Kelly Doty | Aug 29, 2013 | Customer Service, Marketing, News
Ask A Librarian is open 84 hours, 7 days a week. Even when your library is closed, your patrons and students have access to someone on the desk via chat, text or email. You can order the signs from the Promotional Marketing Materials or download and customize to add...