February 2013 Statistics

Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 10 askalibrarian.mobi Mobile Chat Sessions 229 Standard Chat Sessions 2358 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 103 Widget Chat Sessions 1883 Total Chat Sessions 4,583 E-mail Sessions 1,459 Text Sessions 491 January 2013 total sessions...

March 2013 SuperStar Award

  Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL SuperStar winner is Susan Livingston from South Florida State College. Susan is a librarian at the main campus in Avon...

January 2013 Statistics

Usage Summary Mobile APP Chat Sessions 5 askalibrarian.mobi Mobile Chat Sessions 202 Standard Chat Sessions 2243 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 72 Widget Chat Sessions 1487 Total Chat Sessions 4,009 E-mail Sessions 1,692 Text Sessions 511 January 2013 total sessions...

February 2013 AAL SuperStar

Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL SuperStar winner is Barbara Gundersen from the University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries. Barbara is the AAL Site...

New Technical Support Platform

Matt Smith has installed a new platform for users to submit technical support questions for Ask a Librarian. The new Help Desk lets you submit a request ticket and walks you through a series of questions to pin point what technical support you need. Once you submit a...

January 2013 AAL SuperStar Winner

Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL SuperStar winner is Mary Kuipers from LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library. Mary is the Site Coordinator for LeRoy Collins...

Monday’s Motivational Minute – Pammy

Monday’s Motivational Minute from Ask a Librarian on Vimeo. This motivational minute comes to us from the Quality Assurance Workgroup. Pammy from Osceola County Public library received a question from a patron asking if guinea pigs can raise there young...