October 2012 Statistics – Chat, Email, and Text

Usage Summary askalibrarian.mobi Mobile Chat Sessions 182 Standard Chat Sessions 3,355 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 99 Widget Chat Sessions 2,008 Total Chat Sessions 5,644 E-mail Sessions 1,632 Text Sessions 535 October 2012 total sessions 7,811 Fiscal 2012-2013 7,811...

November 2012 SuperStar Winner

Each month, the Ask a Librarian team picks an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL SuperStar winner is Lora Glass from Niceville Public Library! Lora has been with the Niceville Public Library since 1983....

Ask a Librarian Superheroes

The Ask a Librarian team is happy to announce our new Superhero marketing campaign! We have bookmarks and posters for all libraries to hang up /or hand out. The items will be sent via Statewide Delivery (DLLI) and U.S. Mail. You should receive the packages early next...

October 2012 SuperStar Winner

Each month, the Ask a Librarian team will pick an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL SuperStar winner is Susan Smith from Hodges University! Susan is a Librarian and Site Coordinator for Hodges...

Motivational Minute – Sally Bissel

Today’s motivational minute comes to us from Sally Bissel in Lee County Library. Sally received a question from a patron looking to change up the style of her pixie haircut. She wanted to know how to make it more girly, and perhaps explore different styles she...

Let’s get creative!

Great marketing ideas! Check out this great piece Chelsea Bellido de Luna of Florida Keys Community College put together. Share your marketing ideas with us!! FKCC Texting Marketing for AAL