by Kelly Doty | Sep 11, 2012 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile Chat Sessions 186 Standard Chat Sessions 2,079 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 49 Widget Chat Sessions 1,110 Total Chat Sessions 3,424 E-mail Sessions 1,460 Text Sessions 516 August 2012 total sessions 5,400 Fiscal 2011-2012 75,782... by Kelly Doty | Sep 5, 2012 | Chat Transcripts, Customer Service, Exemplary Reference Awards, FYI - Interesting Tidbits, Local Patrons, News, Quality Assurance Workgroup, Reference, Staffing Etiquette, Training
Hot Topics: Customer Service Excellence, or How to Win an Exemplary Reference Award Wednesday, September 26, 2012 2-3 pm ET We all know the importance of customer service in reference, but the unique environment of chat reference sometimes presents a few unique... by Kelly Doty | Sep 4, 2012 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team will pick an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL Super Star winner is Susan Weiss from Florida International University. Susan is the Urban and Environmental Affairs... by smithm | Aug 13, 2012 | Motivational Minute, News
Today’s motivational minute comes to us from Caroline Reed at the New College of Florida Jane Bancroft Cook library. Caroline was able to help a distance learning student from FSU communicate with a librarian, Gloria Colvin, about ILL. Just another great way Ask... by Kelly Doty | Aug 9, 2012 | Admin, Texting
We have a new enhancement available for libraries utilizing the text messaging feature and the local desk in AAL. If you staff your local desk daily, all incoming text messages can be set up to go straight to your local desk interface. If you choose to implement this... by Kelly Doty | Aug 8, 2012 | Customer Service, FYI - Interesting Tidbits, News, Reference, Training
High Anxiety: Increasing your Comfort Level on the Statewide Desk Wed., Aug. 22, 10-11 am ET Does the idea of answering statewide chat questions make you feel hesitant and uncomfortable? Do you feel a little like a fish out of water when you’re scheduled to... by Kelly Doty | Aug 3, 2012 | News, SuperStar
Each month, the Ask a Librarian team will pick an outstanding member that has shown exceptional participation in the program. This month’s AAL Super Star winner is Pat Barbier. Pat is the site coordinator for St. Petersburg College as well as the Co-Chair of the... by Kelly Doty | Jul 30, 2012 | Agent Console, Customer Service, FEL, FYI - Interesting Tidbits, Gale Resources, News, Reference, Training
Introducing a series to help you help patrons on the statewide Ask a Librarian desks… FEL on the Statewide Desk: A Staff Webinar Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEL on the Statewide Desk: PowerSearch Monday, August 27,... by Kelly Doty | Jul 24, 2012 | News, Statistics
Usage Summary Mobile Chat Sessions 173 Standard Chat Sessions 2,318 Instant Invite Chat Sessions 58 Widget Chat Sessions 1,205 Total Chat Sessions 3,754 E-mail Sessions 1,380 Text Sessions 464 July 2012 total sessions 5,598 Fiscal 2011-2012 70,382...