OCLC’s Virtual Reference Series

Best Practices in Virtual Reference:  Finding Your Virtual Reference Users Online DATE: Thursday, May 17, 2012 TIME: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST LOCATION: OCLC’s virtual classroom The OCLC Research report Seeking Synchronicity found that one of the biggest...

Deb’s Motivational Minute

This weeks motivational minute comes to us from Debora Stewart at Palm Beach Atlantic University. She assisted a student from Daytona State with research on business ethics. Congrats Debora!

Online Marketing Report

In late January, Ask a Librarian began a marketing campaign online through Google Ads. The media plan focused on two main goals: creating awareness of the Ask A Librarian Website and increasing usage of the Ask A Librarian service.  LURE  & Th!ink Creative Inc....

Ask a Librarian Technical Support

Matt Smith, technical assistant for Ask a Librarian, will be available to answer any technical support questions you may have. For an technical issues, including Oracle, Java, browser, or any other technical trouble shooting, please contact Matt Smith directly...