Additional August Statistics

Home About Reasons to Join Become a member Participating Libraries Privacy Quality Assurance Workgroup Connect With Us Order Promotional Materials Linking to Ask a Librarian Logos Widgets News Better late than never! Here are the additional statistics promised last...

When Teens Attack – Free Webinar!

I am really excited to announce that Washington State has invited our librarians to attend an incredible webinar series they are hosting called Ref22. On September 14th from 2-3 PT (that is 5-6pm ET), they are presenting “When Teens Attack!: Tips for dealing with 12...

AaL Closed Sept. 5, 6

Home About Reasons to Join Become a member Participating Libraries Privacy Quality Assurance Workgroup Connect With Us Order Promotional Materials Linking to Ask a Librarian Logos Widgets News Ask a Librarian will be closed on Sunday, September 5 and Monday, September...

August Statistics

Wow! You can definitely tell August is back to school month.   While the first half of August was fairly quiet (1,601 chats from August 1-15), we definitely saw users return with the school bell.   The second half of the month Ask a Librarian had 2,134 live chat...

Steal this Blog Post!

Hi blogmasters: If you have a blog for your library, copy the below user-oriented text and paste it as an entry into your own library’s blog.  Go ahead – steal it.  We want you to.  You may wish to edit the text or add specific resources to spotlight or customize your...

User Survey Now Live — and some User feedback

The AAL User Satisfaction survey is now live for customers.  Please push this to users at the end of a session.    The software will also attempt to push the survey- but it only appears to those without pop-up blockers. To push the survey – use the script in the...

Older AAL Statistics

From time to time, libraries are in need of older statistics.   We have created a statistical archive online for you to access past years.   The current year is available on this blog.

July Statistics

July was another busy month for Ask a Librarian.  We assisted 3,853 users via live chat and and additional 1,012 by email – an overall increase of 35% from last July! A summary of July is available in pdf – July Summary Detailed Reports by Library and...