New Pictures on AAL Custom Portals has updated it’s look!  The slide shows running on each library’s custom portal page has new images.    As an enhancement, we now 3 slide shows- academic, general and K12!

Happy Birthday to Us!!!

It almost slipped by unnoticed- but on Wednesday, Ask a Librarian turned 7!!!! Happy Birthday Ask a Librarian!!!! And a virtual piece of cake for everyone who works so hard to ensure users get the answers they need – at their moment of need!

Communication Challenges and New AAL Mailing Lists!

Hi Everyone, In a behind-the scene move, that was not suppose to effect many things. TBLC migrated our email system. Unfortunately, there were a few complications and unexpected issues with this migration and as you have noticed – the Ask a Librarian Electronic...

Hot Topics Presentations Available

Presentations for yesterday’s hot topics are now available! The not-so secret tools, tips and tricks of the Ask a Librarian interns. How to provide assistance to statewide customers with grace and ease. One of the most difficult tasks on Ask a Librarian is...

June Statistics

Another great month!!! Ask a Librarian assisted 3,864 users via live chat and 1,207 via email.    This is a 32% increase live chat sessions  from last June.  So far this year, we’ve had 52,071 sessions. A summary report is available here: Summary Report Detailed...