by Kelly Doty | Jun 25, 2012 | Mobile, News
Does your library have a mobile page deployed on their website? If so, you can add an Ask a Librarian link! Ask a Librarian has a mobile friendly site allowing users to easily access their local library to chat, email or text right from their device! We have designed... by Kelly Doty | Jun 12, 2012 | Agent Console, Customer Service, Mobile, News, Reference, Texting, Training
Confused about Texting in Ask a Librarian? Register today for a Texting Webinar: Friday, June 29, 10-11 am ET Thursday, September 6, 2-3 pm ET Monday, October 15, 10-11 am ET Space is still available in these Ask a Librarian Texting webinars, which offer staff a...
by Kelly Doty | Feb 6, 2012 | Customer Service, Mobile, News, Texting
Do you hate coming to a website that doesn’t have a mobile friendly interface? We certainly do! When you try to type on the small screen, does it become difficult to type because the keyboard hides the rest of the screen? Well Guess What??? On February 15, we... by smithm | Feb 1, 2012 | Agent Console, Mobile, News, Texting, Uncategorized
When responding to text messages in the Agent Console, you no longer have to use an exclamation point (!) in front of your response. Just another exciting enhancement to make your job easier! by smithm | Dec 12, 2011 | Customer Service, Mobile, News, Reference, Training
Introducing two new Hot Topics webinars on OverDrive… register for both today! Hot Topics: E-Books! Putting OverDrive E-Books onto eReaders: A Guide For Library Staff Wed., Jan. 11, 2012, 2-3 pm ET Hot Topics: Audiobooks! Putting OverDrive Audiobooks onto...