May Statistics

May statistics for Ask a Librarian.    Compared with last May, Ask a Librarian saw a 54% increase in live chat sessions with 4,288 sessions!!! A summary is available here: Summary Report May 2010 Reports by Library and County: Total Chat By Entry Point – May...

April Ask a Librarian Statistics

Ask a Librarian had another great month.   We had a 40% increase in live chat sessions from last April and overall we have assisted 32% more users this year than last year at the same point. A summary report is available in our Ask a Librarian Summary Report Reports...

March Statistics now available online

What an amazing month! Ask a Librarian had 7,096 reference transactions last month — including 5,887 chat sessions.    We once again experienced- It’s BEST month EVER!  We had a 45% increase in chats from last year and our well on track for a record...

March Madness Wrap Up

Over the month, Traci and I have had a lot of fun bringing you fun facts, awards for individuals and tried to challenge you with your knowledge and enthusiasm for the service. We really hope you enjoyed our March Madness WOMM campaign. We took the month of March to...