Jan-Sept 2018 Holiday Closings

Ask a Librarian collaborative desks (Statewide and Academic) will close on the following days. You will not see the option to staff these desks until we reopen them the next day. Your library’s local desk will remain available to staff if you choose to do so...
March 2017 Statistics

March 2017 Statistics

Ask a Librarian March 2017 Statistics Source Sessions Chat 3274 SMS 321 Email 2023 Twitter 2 Total 5620 SMS by entry point Chat by entry point Chats by widget Chats by Day Chats by Hour Chats by browser Chats by Operating System Page Views Top Content Top...

April Closing Date 2017

Home About Reasons to Join Become a member Participating Libraries Privacy Quality Assurance Workgroup Connect With Us Order Promotional Materials Linking to Ask a Librarian Logos Widgets News Local chat, email, and SMS functions will remain available during the...

February 2017 Statistics

Ask a Librarian February 2017 Statistics Source Sessions Chat 3232 SMS 305 Email 1797 Total 5334 SMS by entry point Chat by entry point Chats by widget Chats by browser Chats by Operating...
January 2017 Statistics

January 2017 Statistics

Ask a Librarian January 2017 Statistics Source Sessions Chat 3059 SMS 321 Email 2022 Total 5402 SMS by entry point Chats by entry point Chats by widget Chats by browser Chats by OS Local FAQ...

Closing for MLK Day 2017

We’ll be shutting off the collaborative desks for MLK Day. If your library monitors through a shared account, remember to keep these desks closed – all other users shouldn’t see an option to staff. If you have any questions, contact the Help...
December 2016 Statistics

December 2016 Statistics

Ask a Librarian December 2016 Statistics Source Sessions Chat 1820 SMS 240 Email 1394 Total 3454 SMS by entry point Chats by entry point Chats by widget Chats by browser Chats by...

November 2016 Statistics

Ask a Librarian November 2016 Statistics Source Sessions Chat 3532 SMS 365 Email 1806 Total 5703 SMS by entry point Chats by entry point Chats by widget Chats by browser Chats by...