May Statistics

May statistics for Ask a Librarian.    Compared with last May, Ask a Librarian saw a 54% increase in live chat sessions with 4,288 sessions!!! A summary is available here: Summary Report May 2010 Reports by Library and County: Total Chat By Entry Point – May...

April Ask a Librarian Statistics

Ask a Librarian had another great month.   We had a 40% increase in live chat sessions from last April and overall we have assisted 32% more users this year than last year at the same point. A summary report is available in our Ask a Librarian Summary Report Reports...

FLA Recap

It is always such a great time for us here at Ask a Librarian.    The annual user group forum at FLA gives us the opportunity to meet so many people we mainly talk to online and via email. We use this forum to let everyone know – where we have been in the past...

Help needed – upcoming shifts

The following one-time shifts are currently in need of help: Thurs., Apr. 15, 2-3 and 6-7 pm (collaborative) Fri., Apr. 16, 12-1 and 1-2 pm (collaborative) Sat., Apr. 17, 11am – 12pm (collaborative) Sun., Apr. 18, 4-5 and 5-6 pm (collaborative) Mon., Apr. 19, 6-7 and...